Bring Back The Magic With This Easy Bangus Sinigang Recipe!

Sometimes even our favorite foods can be boring over time. The magic that used to give that tickles our taste buds just don’t feel the same way as before.

Even the ever-delicious and highly-addictive Sinigang is no exception. The magical feeling of excitement that it used to give us isn’t just there anymore.

So why not try to mix things a little by using bangus belly instead in lieu of meat? It will definitely give our Sinigang a new take that can bring back the magic that we used to adore.

So start doing some magic in your kitchen right now with this easy Bangus Sinigang recipe!

Bangus Belly Sinigang


1 pack SARANGANI BAY Prime Boneless Bangus Belly

1 pouch small tamarind soup base

5-6 cups rice water

2 pcs green sili pang sigang

2 pcs tomatoes, quartered

2 pcs medium onions, quartered

1 pc radish, sliced diagonally

4 pcs okra, cut into halves

kangkong (swamp cabbage)

eggplant (optional)


Boil the tamarind soup base in rice water.

Upon boiling, drop in green sili with tomatoes, onion and salt.

Add the radish and boil until nearly done.

Add the sliced fish, boil until done.

Add the rest of the vegetables.

Simmer and serve while hot.