We’re Making Tempura Using Bangus Belly And It’s Perfect

Belly Tempura

We all love shrimp tempura. But let’s be real—getting it from some Japanese restaurant can be quite expensive. Sure you can go all DIY on it, but often, the ingredients you need would require you to take a trip to a Japanese grocery – if you’re lucky enough to find one close by.

So we decided to take up this challenge: find an alternative to shrimp that is more affordable but is just as scrumptious (so forget eggplants, carrots, and fake crabsticks, ok?). To up the ante, we made sure that the ingredients used are 100 % available in any decent grocery store near you.

For this recipe, we used the very versatile bangus belly, whose tender, moist and melt-in-your-mouth bangus belly can rival the commonly-favored shrimp. Apart from this, a good helping of bangus belly also gives you a good natural dose of vitamin B-12, niacin, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid, so yeah, feel free to binge.

And oh, this recipe comes with a really easy to prepare dip. We’re just Good Samaritans that way.


Belly Tempura


2 pcs. SARANGANI BAY Milkfish (Bangus) Belly

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

1/2 cup flour for dusting

1 pc egg, beaten


2/3 cup bread crumbs

1 cup hot water

3-4 tbsp. soy sauce


Season bellies with salt and pepper.

Cut into strips. Dust with flour.

Dip in egg, and roll in bread crumbs.

Deep fry until golden brown.


Mix all ingredients.

Serve with tempura.